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Apéro is a display slab font family. This typeface has eight styles and was published by

A cheerful handwritten font family composed by 8 fonts.
5 slab weights, 2 slab effects and a sans serif.
Handmade, friendly and classy, this family is inspired in one of our favorite traditions in Torino, “L
Before dinner friends meet in the local bar and spend the time together eating, drinking, talking, laughing and eating and drinking again.
Handwritten to get a friendly and human feeling.
Letterforms specially designed to take the charming mood of this event.
The sans serif has been inspired in some letterings found in old local liquor labels.
Displaying the beauty and characteristics of the Apéro font family.
Highlighting the Apéro font family.
Apéro font family sample image.

A cheerful handwritten font family composed by 8 fonts. 5 slab weights, 2 slab effects and a sans serif. Handmade, friendly and classy, this family is inspired in one of our favorite traditions in Torino, “L’Aperitivo.” The social event every afternoon! Before dinner friends meet in the local bar and spend the time together eating, drinking, talking, laughing and eating and drinking again. Handwritten to get a friendly and human feeling. Letterforms specially designed to take the charming mood of this event. The sans serif has been inspired in some letterings found in old local liquor labels.

Fonts 8
Released 2016
Style Display Slab

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