Cyber Sale: Shop sale
10 fonts from $59.00


Designed by Ivan Gladkikh, Compotes is a multiple classification font family. This typeface has ten styles and was published by Pinata.

Compotes was created with love and with care about small collections of “hand-made” fonts. It’s the perfect product for the decoration of home design, small barber’s shops, cafes and bakeries.

These fonts are ideally combined with any type of design, for example, you can use them on labels for homemade jams and pickles and “Compotes”.

We did 5 main typefaces by alphabetical list:
A - Apple, B - Basilic, C - Citro, D - Dew, E - Espresso

In addition, we have developed five “supplements” for each font!

Foundry Piñata
Fonts 10
Price $9.90
Released 2015
Styles Brush Script, Display Sans, Display Serif, Hand Display, Script
Designer Ivan Gladkikh

License Summary

This license Is Worry‑Free!

A Worry-Free badge guarantees that the font license covers the most common rights and uses a typical designer would expect.

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