1 fonts from $24.95

LTC Spire

Designed by Sol Hess, LTC Spire is a display serif font published by P22 Type Foundry.

SPIRE with alternate caps was designed by Lanston’s type director Sol Hess in 1937. Spire Roman was designed without lowercase. But it includes alternate rounded caps which transform this extra condensed “fat face” into more of an art deco titling face. Spire Roman has been used within department store logos, luxury hotel signage, perfumes, etc, etc.

Foundry P22 Type Foundry
Fonts 1
Price $24.95
Released 2004
Fontspring Debut 2017
Style Display Serif
Designer Sol Hess

License Summary

This license Is Worry‑Free!

A Worry-Free badge guarantees that the font license covers the most common rights and uses a typical designer would expect.

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