8 fonts from $119.95

P22 Spiggie

P22 Spiggie is a sans serif font family. This typeface has eight styles and was published by International House of Fonts.

Spiggie is a sans-serif, whose name came to me on a Shetland beach. The beach traces a tight curve between the shoreline and the sea paralleled in the fonts controlled yet smooth character.

The design language reaches back to the art deco period and the 1920s, yet retains a distinct modern flavor.

Foundry International House of Fonts
Fonts 8
Price $24.95
Released 2011
Style Sans Serif

P22 Spiggie

8 Fonts


P22 Spiggie Basic

4 Fonts


License Summary

This license Is Worry‑Free!

A Worry-Free badge guarantees that the font license covers the most common rights and uses a typical designer would expect.

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    Create commercial graphics, documents, and products.

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