5 fonts from $99.90

P22 Cilati

P22 Cilati is a hand drawn and script font family. This typeface has five styles and was published by International House of Fonts.

A calligraphic script available in several variations—or as one OpenType font with over 800 characters. Cilati is a flexible script which adapts well to a variety of uses. Based on Italic handwriting, this type style can adapt well for casual as well as formal design projects.

Foundry International House of Fonts
Fonts 5
Price $24.95
Released 2011
Styles Hand Drawn, Script

P22 Cilati

5 Fonts


P22 Cilati Basic

4 Fonts


License Summary

This license Is Worry‑Free!

A Worry-Free badge guarantees that the font license covers the most common rights and uses a typical designer would expect.

Learn more
  • Desktop

    Create commercial graphics, documents, and products.

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