4 fonts from $99.00

Prestige Elite Std

Prestige Elite Std is a slab serif and typewriter font family. This typeface has four styles and was published by Adobe.

Prestige Elite is a slab serif monospaced typeface originally intended for use on a typewriter. It was designed in 1953 by Howard Kettler for IBM. Prestige Elite is a good choice for price lists, tabular material, and informal office correspondence. Typefaces that were originally designed as monospaced typewriter types are effective in materials for personal communication or for capturing the look and feel of bygone days.

Foundry Adobe
Fonts 4
Price $29.00
Released 2012
Fontspring Debut 2015
Styles Slab Serif, Typewriter
Font size

License Summary

  • Desktop

    Create commercial graphics, documents, and products.

  • Web Font

    Embed fonts in your web sites with CSS.

  • Application

    Embed fonts in apps and software.

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