1 fonts from $24.95

LTC Creepy Ornaments

LTC Creepy Ornaments is a dingbat font published by P22 Type Foundry.

In researching historic decorative material offered by Lanston Monotype as well as other metal foundries, such as Barnhart Brothers and Spindler, there were occasionally ornaments that defied description. Perhaps it was a Victorian sense of humor or someone really thought these were a good idea or perhaps popular taste has just changed so much over the last hundred years, or our forebears were completely insane. In any case, LTC is somewhat proud to present a collection of the most bizarre, disturbing and baffling printers ornaments we could find.

Foundry P22 Type Foundry
Fonts 1
Price $24.95
Released 2006
Fontspring Debut 2017
Style Dingbat

License Summary

This license Is Worry‑Free!

A Worry-Free badge guarantees that the font license covers the most common rights and uses a typical designer would expect.

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