9 fonts from $99.00

Bona Nova

Designed by Mateusz Machalski and Andrzej Heidrich, Bona Nova is a display serif and serif font family. This typeface has nine styles and was published by BORUTTA.

☞ Bona Nova is a collective revival project of Bona typeface designed in 1971 by the author of polish banknotes Andrzej Heidrich. Besides giving the project a digital font form the aim was to expand the base character set: preparation of small caps, designing the alternative glyphs and multiple opentype features. Working together with the author we designed two new text versions: regular and bold – to give the family a form of a classic script triad. ☞ It is accompanied by three title versions and three contour styles under the name of Bona Sforza. All styles contains over 1200 glyphs.

☞ Bona Nova is an unprecedented typographic adventure for our team. We hope, that our work will allow the cultural heritage of Bona and the work of Andrzeja Heidricha to gain new followers and fans. This project connected three generations of graphic designers who graduated the same school – Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.

☞ Bona Nova isn’t only a typeface. After all we’ve prepared book about the project (including, interview with Andrzej Heidrich, my text about digitisation and font specimen). Bona Nova realise party was big exhibition (over 1000 guests). I’ve invited 26 graphic designers to prepare their own initials of Bona Nova – they was presented as posters on exhibition too.


Bona Nova WEB: http://bonanova.wtf
Bona Nova FP: https://www.facebook.com/bonatype
Bona Nova Case Study: https://www.behance.net/gallery/60843427/Bona-Nova-(FREE-FONT)
Bona Nova Book: http://bonanova.wtf/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Bona_-Nova_BOOK_WEB_ENG.pdf


TDC ASCENDERS: https://www.tdc.org/news/tdc-announces-the-2018-ascenders/
KTR (DESIGN: GOLD): https://ktr.org.pl/nagrody-ktr-2018
KTR (GRAND PRIX – the best od DESIGN 2018: https://ktr.org.pl/nagrody-ktr-2018
PGA (Polish Graphic Design Awards): https://www.polishgraphicdesign.com/krojepism2017
MŁODA POLSKA SCHOLARSCHIP: https://nck.pl/dotacje-i-stypendia/stypendia/programy/mloda-polska/aktualnosci-/bona-nova—rewitalizacja-kroju-zaprojektowanego-przez-tworce-polskich-banknotow

Bona Nova in Media

Bona Nova is a non-profit project, all founds that we raise we reinvest to develop Bona Nova project (new styles, Cyrillic & Greek, extend character set)

Fonts 9
Price $29.00
Released 2016
Fontspring Debut 2018
Styles Display Serif, Serif
Designers Mateusz Machalski, Andrzej Heidrich
Font size

License Summary

This license Is Worry‑Free!

A Worry-Free badge guarantees that the font license covers the most common rights and uses a typical designer would expect.

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